Ports and port points
Garabogaz port point was built in 1982-1986 and was fully reconstructed in 2018. It is located on the southern side of the city of Garabogaz in the Balkan velayat. The berth in the port point Garabogaz in its structure is a pier-shaped pier, that is a hydraulic structure capable of receiving ships from both sides, taking into account the depth of the sea, extending to the sea area. Port point Garabogaz is intended for performance of cargo operations connected with shipment and delivery of goods by dry-cargo vessels of "Garabogazcarbamid" plant of "Turkmenkhimiya" State Concern. Its total length is 279.9 meters, width - from 19 meters to 127.5 meters, and in other places - 29 meters wide. Shipping channel of the Port of Garabogaz has a length of 2.2 km, width of 100 meters and depth of 8 meters.
  • +993 62 848558;
Kiyanly port point is located near the village of Kiyanly in Turkmenbashi district of Balkan province. In total, the port point Kiyanly 3 berth. The 1st berth for small and high-speed passenger vessels, length 207 meters, width 7 meters, can accommodate 3-4 vessels, and the length of the other two berths - 150 and 180 meters respectively and a width of 20 meters. Shipping channel of Kiyanli port point is 900 meters long, 150 meters wide and 8 meters deep. Quay Kulisol (Guvlyduz) port point Kiyanli, built in 1976, the berth has a length of 100 meters, the shipping channel has a length of 1.8 km, width of 50 meters and a depth of 3-3.5 meters.
  • +993 64 629811

The new International Sea Port of Turkmenbashi, the foundation of which was laid on the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, and with his personal participation was ceremonially opened and commissioned on May 2, 2018. The new port covers an area of 152 hectares and includes passenger, container, bulk, general cargo and polypropylene terminals. The total length of berths, which can serve 17 vessels, is 1800 meters. The port is capable of handling 300 thousand passengers and 75 thousand trucks per year. Throughput capacity of the new port is 17 million tons excluding oil products.
  • info@tmrl.gov.tm
  • +993 65 123456
  • +993 65 234567
Khazar port point was built in 1965 and is located in the town of Khazar, Balkan province. In total, the Khazar Port Point has 11 berths with a total length of about 800 meters. Shipping channel at the Khazar port point has a length of 1.5 km, width of 60 meters and a depth of 6-8 meters.
  • +993 64 017631;
Aladzha port point was built in 1972 and underwent a major overhaul in 2007. Portopoint Aladzha is located near the town of Khazar in Balkan province, there are oil loading and dry cargo berths. The length of the oil pier is 165 meters and its width is 15.25 meters. Dry cargo pier has a length of 80 meters and width of 15.25 meters. Shipping channel in Aladzha port point has a length of 5.2 km, width of 100 meters and a depth of 6-7 meters.
  • +993 64 017631;
Ekerem Port Point was built in 1960-1962 and is located on the southwestern side of Ekerem village in Esenguly district of Balkan province. The berth at the port point Ekerem is structured as a pier, i.e. a hydraulic structure capable of receiving ships from both sides, taking into account the depth of the sea that stretches to the sea area. The Ekerem Port Point is intended for cargo operations with oil and oil products by receiving ships carrying oil and oil products. The total length of the berth is about 790 meters, the length of supports without a trestle is 63 meters and the width is 5 meters. The shipping channel at the Port Ekerem has a length of 3.3 km, width of 70 meters and depth of 6 meters.
  • +993 65 363661
  • +993 245 3-49-50
Ship activities at Turkmenbashi port