About agency

“Türkmendeňizderýaýollary” Agency is the central executive body, which implements the state policy in the field of water transport and is authorized by the state management in the field of commercial shipping.

During the prosperity of our sovereign state under the leadership of our esteemed President, Turkmenistan has made great strides in the economy, politics, culture and other spheres of life. One of the important tasks of every sector, including the transport sector in Turkmenistan, is to successfully implement the policies and directives of our national leader in the development of our country.

Thanks to its favourable geographical location, Turkmenistan has been known since ancient times to play an important role in transit and international trade. The fact that the ancient Silk Road passed through several cities of Turkmenistan is clear evidence of this.

Turkmenbashi International Sea Port is located at the crossroads of cargo routes from Europe to Asia and from Asia to Europe, serving as a "sea gateway" for Central Asia. Thus, with the development of the International Transport Corridor Eurasia-Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA) in recent years, the opportunities and attractiveness of our country's maritime transport have increased. Maritime technology is the most reliable, cost-effective and convenient machinery. Therefore, special attention in the world is paid to maritime transport. Maritime transport accounts for more than half of the world's freight traffic.

In view of the rapid development of port supply systems and maritime freight transport in neighbouring Caspian Sea states, the growth of cargo turnover and competition in ports, appropriate measures and projects for further development of the maritime transport sector in Turkmenistan are also relevant and appropriate. These projects are important steps in effective use of the huge economic potential of Turkmenistan, creation of modern transport system of our country, creation of favourable regional and interregional transport routes through Central Asia and effective use of available opportunities.

The Agency's activities are governed by the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the Merchant Shipping Code of Turkmenistan, the laws of Turkmenistan, acts of the President of Turkmenistan, decrees of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, conventions and treaties of international maritime organizations signed by Turkmenistan, international legal instruments on maritime safety and navigation, orders, instructions and regulations of theAgency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan  and its own regulations