The "Turkmendenizderyayollary" Agency announces that the deadline for submitting applications for participation in the tender for the purchase of necessary spare parts and equipment for the tugboat "Gudrat", announced on December 23, 2024, is extended to March 7, 2025, until 16:00.
The "Turkmendenizderyayollary" Agency announces an International Open Tender for the purchase of necessary spare parts and equipment for the tugboat "Gudrat":
Turkmendenizderyayollary Agency Announces an International Tender for the Overhaul of a Tugboat
Agency Turkmendenizderyollary (Turkmen Maritime and River Transport) announсes an open international tender for the overhaul of the tugboat Jahan, including the procurement of necessary spare parts and equipment
Агентство «Туркмендениздеряёллары» объявляет Международный открытый тендер по закупке необходимых запчастей и оборудований для буксировочного судно «Гудрат»
Addendum No. 1 to the RFP No.: RFP-01/2024
Procurement of: Design, Supply and Management for Construction of Two Ro-Ro Rail Wagon Carriers
Turkmendenizderyayollary Agency announces a tender for the Design, Supply and Management for Construction of Two Ro-Ro Rail Wagon Carriers.