Developing maritime and river transport as a branch of the country's economy, using advances in science and technology, carriage of goods related to the economic sector by sea and river navigation, implementation of the state policy in the area of expansion of trade and economic cooperation of Turkmenistan with foreign countries in terms of services provided to the population.
Also, by undertaking a comprehensive transformation of the maritime and river fleet, sea and river ports, port facilities, berths, shipbuilding and ship repair facilities, maintaining navigation channels and maritime shipping lanes in accordance with international standards.
Introducing the latest technologies and advances in science and technology into production, carrying out work to ensure the safety of navigation, developing and implementing a blueprint for a comprehensive investment programme.
Carries out state control over the use as well as the technical condition of vessels, berths and ports of maritime and river transport enterprises. Monitors compliance with international agreements on merchant shipping of Turkmenistan and the legislation of Turkmenistan on merchant shipping.
To carry out state supervision of compliance with the requirements of norms and regulations concerning navigation in the Turkmen part of the Caspian Sea, norms concerning navigation on inland waterways, as well as the requirements of international treaties of Turkmenistan.
In accordance with the requirements of the Merchant Shipping Code of Turkmenistan formalizes ships flying the State Flag of Turkmenistan