«Turkmendenizderyayollary» Agency announces an international bidding for the supply of spare parts for equipment and machinery of the Turkmenbashi International Seaport

«Turkmendenizderyayollary» Agency announces an international bidding for the following lots:

Lot No. 1 – Spare parts for portal cranes;

Lot No. 2 – Spare parts for forklifts;

Lot No. 3 – Spare parts for lifting equipment;

Lot No. 4 – Tools for rigging;

Lot No. 5 – Equipment and spare parts for the automotive industry, emergency rescue services and decorative lighting for seaport buildings.

Deadline for submitting the Application and Bidding Proposal of the “Bidding attender”:

All required documents must be in a sealed envelope with the name of the project indicated in the upper corner of the sealed envelope and sent to the address below:

745000 Turkmenistan, Balkan velayat, Turkmenbashi city, Shagadam street 8 “A”, “Turkmendenizderyayollary” Agency:

Phone numbers for inquiries: (+ 993 243) 6 07 46, fax: 6 07 44

The bidding proposal will not be accepted for consideration from “Bidding attender” who have not completed an application to participate in the bidding.

Bidding proposals will be accepted until 01.02.2024, 16:00 o’clock.

Proposals received after the deadline established above will not be accepted or considered.

Rules for submitting bidding documents:

a)   To officially participate in the bidding, you must submit an Application for Participation in the Bidding (hereinafter Application) to the bidding commission after studying the bidding materials and submit a bidding proposal. The submitted Application must contain:

– name of the firm, company, legal status, country of registration of the bidding participant, hereinafter “Bidding attender”, postal address, telephone numbers, fax and email address, and requisites of the representative of the “Bidding attender” in Turkmenistan;

– Information about the financial position of the company for the last 3 (three) years, detailed information about the experience of the company and its employees.

–       Together with the bidding proposal, provide supporting documents on the right of activity of the company (firm).

b) Based on the received package, it is necessary to submit a Bidding Proposal, which must include the following:

– Qualification Form duly completed and signed by the “Bidding attender”;

– Technical and commercial proposal (each separately in a sealed envelope);

– Basic terms of the contract or draft contract;

– Cost in unit prices with a detailed breakdown;

– Bank details of the “Bidding attender”, recommendations from banks and other financial institutions on the economic activities and legal capacity of the “Bidding attender”;

– A Reference from the tax authority confirming that there is no debt to the State Budget;

– Data on financial and technical capabilities;

c) The price provided by the “Bidding attender” must remain unchanged throughout the entire period of execution of the bidding contract.

– Other documents of interest to the Bidding Commission may be requested as additional information.

All documents must be provided in Russian language.