More than 100 vessels were repaired at ASCO enterprises in a year

Over the past year, 103 vessels of various types were repaired at the “Zykh” ship repair and construction yard and the “Bibi-Heybat” ship repair yard of the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (ASCO) CJSC.

Of these, “Zykh” accounted for 27 repaired ships, and “Bibieybat” - 76.

Last year, 7 of the vessels moored at the “Zykh” ship repair and construction yard were overhauled, 11 were in dock, and 9 vessels underwent current repairs.

At the Bibi-Heybat shipyard ships that were moored: 17 of them underwent major repairs, 42 underwent dock repairs, and 17 underwent current repairs.

The repair process was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the international convention with the participation of ASCO specialists, reports the Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company.
