«Turkmendenizderyayollary» Agency was awarded a Certificate of Honor for the high level of preparedness to act in emergency situations

Based on the work plan of the State Commission of Turkmenistan for Emergency Situations for 2023, approved by Decree of the President of Turkmenistan dated December 27, 2022 No. 374, the «Turkmendenizderyayollary» agency, as the responsible executor, conducted a comprehensive training course on the topic “Prevention of natural and man-made emergencies in Turkmen side of the Caspian Sea and improving the organization of activities carried out by ministries and departmental bodies, local executive authorities to eliminate their negative consequences.” Training course objectives:

  Explanation of actions to be taken in case of natural and man-made emergencies that may occur in the Caspian Sea

    Achieve implementation of the emergency response plan for emergency situations

 Determining the forces and resources to be transferred in the event of an emergency in the Caspian Sea, as well as achieving the reliability of their actions.

Improve coordination between departments, emergency services and communications.

The training was carried out in three stages. According to the training scenario, a fire breaks out in the Turkmen part of the Caspian Sea due to technical problems on a ship transporting oil and petroleum products. The operator of the “Ship Control Center” of the Turkmenbashi International Seaport receives a message about the incident and immediately informs the civil defense and emergency services about it. In order to eliminate the negative consequences of emergency situations and reduce their damage, the advanced units of the Civil Defense gather at the control center of the Turkmenbashi International Seaport (in the meeting room of the Container Terminal), to identify and set specific tasks, and also make appropriate decisions. Reports on the forces and resources that will be deployed by emergency agencies and services are also being considered. During the decision-making process, the firefighting vessel "Yyldyrym" is sent to sea to identify and determine the location of oil fires and oil tankers, as well as oil-contaminated areas of the sea. As soon as appropriate decisions are made, forces and resources are transferred to the sea to the coordinates of the incident site together with the emergency rescue service of the Turkmenbashi international seaport and bons are organized to collect oil spilled at sea. Information is determined on the repair and restoration work carried out by the management team of the head of Civil Defense to eliminate the negative consequences of natural disasters and eliminate damage, receives reports and determines the amount of damage, submits reports and recommendations to the Central State Commission of Turkmenistan for Emergency Situations. The deployment of the Emergency Management Center in the International Seaport of Turkmenbashi, the identification of necessary actions and decision-making in case of natural and man-made emergencies in the Caspian Sea were highly appreciated. In this regard, the “Turkmendenizderyayollary” agency was awarded a certificate of honor for the good results shown throughout 2023 year in emergency preparedness activities and exercises conducted in the velayat on the basis of the order of the mayor of the Balkan velayat dated December 29, 2023 No. NV-125 .