"Turkmenhowaýollary" agency will purchase six Boeing Passenger aircraft

On the initiative of the esteemed National Leader of the Turkmen nation, the “National Program for the Development of civil Aviation of Turkmenistan 2012-2030s” was developed, and program activities in this area are being carried out under the leadership of our respected Arkadagly Serdar.

In accordance with the program for the development of civil aviation, modern airports that meet international standards are being built and their infrastructure is constantly being strengthened, as well as the country’s aircraft fleet is expanding, as part of the strategy for the consistent purchase of new modern passenger and cargo aircraft of increased comfort, in accordance with the relevant Decree of the President of Turkmenistan , it is authorized to conclude agreements with relevant companies for the purchase of four Boeing 737-8 aircraft and two Boeing 777-367ER aircraft.

The commissioning of these modern aircraft will create conditions to meet the population’s needs for international air transportation and expand the geography of air transportation in the country.

For active support in strengthening the material and technical base of the national civil aviation industry, for special attention to the construction of new airport complexes that meet international standards, and the systematic acquisition of new aircraft, we wish our Dear Arkadag and Arkadagly Serdar sound health and long life, success in their work for the benefit of the prosperity of the people and the country.