The International Freight Conference - 2024 will be held in Minsk

The successful development of the rail freight transportation business requires constant and close attention both from railway managers and as part of the joint development of a number of issues with other participants in the transport market.

Taking into account the unconditional positive synergistic effect, in the city of Minsk on April 04, 2024. The next International Freight Conference “2024 Railway Logistics: Current Development Challenges” will take place.

During the event, it is planned to discuss the most pressing issues of the formation of railway logistics and competitive logistics solutions in modern conditions, including with the involvement of ports, prospects for the development and modernization of transport and logistics infrastructure, and to hold presentations of the transport and transit potential of railways involved in organizing the transportation of goods along international transport corridors “North-South” and “East-West”, as well as within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative.

The Conference will include an exchange of views and current proposals in the field of transport and logistics, increasing customer focus and efficiency of interaction with cargo owners, expanding the accessibility and transparency of the railway business.

This International Conference provides for the participation of freight operators on the railway and transport and logistics companies of Turkmenistan.
