Turkmenistan and the OSCE to implement about 40 joint projects in 2024

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan R. Meredov, during a government meeting via video link, spoke about the preparation of the Work Plan for cooperation between the Government of Turkmenistan and the OSCE for 2024.

According to the minister, a joint plan of projects scheduled for implementation in 2024 has been prepared in collaboration with the OSCE Center in Ashgabat and the relevant government agencies of our country. The document envisages the implementation of specific activities in key areas of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the OSCE. In total, 37 projects are planned to be implemented this year.

As for politics, there is a plan to carry out a number of projects aimed at strengthening peace and security, developing preventive diplomacy, and countering modern challenges and threats.

The projects in the economic and environmental sectors are intended to contribute to addressing important issues related to economic development, regional economic cooperation, increasing energy efficiency, strengthening environmental safety and climate change.

In the humanitarian sphere, several projects are also planned, which involve conducting relevant activities in areas such as science and education, protection of human rights and freedoms, improvement of foundations of the democratic institutions of the country, promotion of the gender equality, resolution of statelessness issues and development of the media.

In this regard, the draft of the aforementioned Plan was presented for the consideration of the head of state.

Emphasizing that the prepared Plan, aimed at further effective cooperation with the organization, covers the political, economic, environmental and humanitarian spheres, the head of state instructed the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs to continue systematic work on developing constructive cooperation with the OSCE.