Turkmenistan and Afghanistan Discuss Increasing Import-Export Freight Flow

Mammethan Chakyyev, the Director-General of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, on Tuesday in Ashgabat met with an Afghan delegation led by Afghanistan's Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi. The discussions focused on matters related to enhancing import-export freight flows between the two countries, as reported by Afghanistan's broadcasting. 

The participants also discussed projects aimed at increasing the capacity of the railway at the dry port of Turgundi and issues concerning assistance to Afghan traders at the Turkmenbashi port.

Muttaqi highlighted the strategic significance of the Turgundi port, situated between Afghanistan and Turkmenistan, as a key point supporting both road and rail connections between the two nations.

Chakyyev, in turn, stated that an agreement between the railway administrations of both countries would be signed shortly. Following this, the Turkmen side would proceed with the implementation of the project to increase the capacity of the railway station at the Turgundi port.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan is set to host an exhibition showcasing Afghan goods as well as Turkmen-Afghan business forum from March 3 to 5, 2024.

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