Turkmenistan presented the key directions of its transport diplomacy in Brussels

As part of the expert policy event Connecting Europe Days 2024 on the development of the Trans-European Transport System (TEN-T), taking place in Brussels, Belgium, from April 2 to 5, a consultation was held on the possibilities of transport connections between Europe and Central Asia. The point of view of Turkmenistan in these discussions was presented by the head of the department of foreign economic relations and logistics of the “Turkmendenizderyayollary” agency (Sea and River Routes of Turkmenistan).

In particular, the prospects for the development of a sustainable transport system in Central Asia and their connection with the TEN-T policy of the European Union were discussed. In this context, the findings published in June 2023 in the analytical study on the transport system of Central Asia, carried out by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, were considered, and the directions and possibilities of the TEN-T approach that could be used in Central Asia were discussed.

The key areas of Turkmenistan’s transport diplomacy, as well as the major projects of regional importance currently being implemented related to the transport system of Turkmenistan were presented to the discussion participants.

As part of the event, bilateral negotiations took place between transport specialists from Central Asian countries and TEN-T policy experts from Europe. During these negotiations, the parties came to the conclusion that the creation of a joint platform for bringing the European Union and Central Asia closer in the transport discourse could yield a positive result. It was also reported that the Turkmen side is ready to organize a meeting in Ashgabat of representatives of European government agencies and companies within the framework of the next European Union-Central Asia ministerial in 2024.

The European Union's TEN-T policy aims to strengthen the transport network between 27 European countries by 2050. Within the framework of the “Global Gateway to Europe” Strategy, priority is given to the development of transport links with other regions of the world.

In recent years, the European Union and Central Asia have been brought closer together than ever before. This should culminate in the first formal summit between the EU and the five Central Asian countries, scheduled for April. Uzbekistan was chosen as the location for the historical event.