“Balkan” meets international standards

From March 24 to March 29, 2024, the “Shipbuilding and repairing yard “Balkan” conducted audition works to obtain ISO certificates under the supervision of the “Global Standards” Institute from the Republic of Korea. This process was accompanied by careful preparation and a number of successful audits, which allowed the company to receive ISO 9001:2015 certificates confirming the quality management system on April 16, 2024; ISO 45001:2018, which guarantees a health and safety management system; and ISO 14001:2015, which provides an environmental management system.

At the moment, the “Shipbuilding and repairing yard “Balkan” is developing steadily, actively participating in the development of shipbuilding in Central Asia, as well as in the Caspian region, while strictly following international standards and requirements. Due to such significant certificates, the Shipyard is rightfully proud of its achievements and successes.