Round table discussion on the topic "The importance of international cooperation in the transport system"

On February 17, 2023 in "Turkmendenizderyayollary" agency there was a round table discussion on the theme "Importance of international cooperation in the transport system" devoted to achievements and successes of the maritime transport system of our country. The round table was attended by specialists from the "Turkmendenizderyayollary" agency, Turkmenbashi International Sea Port and the Marine Secondary Professional School of the city of Turkmenbashi.

During the round table discussion were mainly discussed development of transport sphere in our country and increasing of living standards in recent years. In this regard, there were discussions about the international cooperation in the sphere of the maritime transport of the country, the close cooperation with the authoritative international organizations of the world, transport and logistics companies, as well as international conventions in the sphere of the maritime transport, to which our country joined.

Due to the efforts of our esteemed Arkadag, Arkadagly Serdar, in recent years the technical equipment of the merchant marine fleet has increased several times. Constructed and purchased vessels of various types, as a result of the measures aimed at developing the national merchant marine fleet, play an important role in developing the transport and logistics system by carrying out international cargo transportations.

The new Turkmenbashi international sea port, equipped with modern technologies, serves as an important facility linking not only the country but also the logistics chain in the region. Also the shipbuilding and repair plant "Balkan", paved the way to the new heights of the country's maritime transport. the Marine secondary professional school of the city of Turkmenbashi, makes a worthy contribution to the training of specialists with a broad minded in the maritime transport industry.

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