New features of the Merchant Sea Fleet

Starting from 1 March of this year, “Merchant Marine Fleet” CJSC has provided discounts for road transport on the Turkmenbashi-Baku (Alyat)-Turkmenbashi route.

Sea transportation is one of the most important transport sectors in modern international trade and part of multimodal transportation. The newly introduced discounts will provide customers of merchant fleet with convenient conditions for transporting vehicles and reduce the cost of transported goods.

At the moment, “Merchant Marine Fleet” CJSC of Turkmenistan has two ferries "Bagtyyar" and "Berkarar" of "RO-PAX" type, Ro-Pax ferries are ships that combine the capabilities of Ro-Ro and passenger transportation. (Ro-Ro means that cars and heavy vehicles enter and leave the ferry at the port of destination). The capacity of vehicle-passenger ferries is 200 passengers and 54 vehicles. So, over the past 2022 year about 22 thousand vehicles were transported.

Taking into account the discount, the cost of transportation in one direction, will be 1,000 US dollars, and in both directions, the cost of transportation will be 1,600 US dollars.

It should be noted that, from November 7, 2022, drivers of foreign and Turkmen vehicles were allowed to enter, exit and transit through the territory of Turkmenistan.

For more information, visit the “Merchant Marine Fleet” CJSC website:

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