Representatives of the «Turkmendenizderyayollary» agency participated in the 134th Canton Fair

From October 15 to 20, representatives of «Turkmendenizderyayollary» agency made a working visit to the People's Republic of China, Guangzhou city, in order to participate in the Canton Fair.

The Canton Fair is a major international event that gathers representatives of business and industry from all over the world. The huge size and scope of the Canton Fair is held every two years for almost everything imported and exported to China.

During the visit, representatives of the Agency held many meetings and negotiations with Chinese companies, the purpose of which was to study local proposals, as well as strengthen trade, economic and transport areas between two countries.

In order to enhance the country's shipbuilding industry, representatives of the Agency held negotiations with «TIANJIN MINMETALS CO.,LTD», which is a certified classification society for the production of welding electrodes and wires, «TIANJIN GOLDEN BRIDGE WELDING MATERIALS GROUP CO.,LTD.» company, «BMM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY» corporation, «THREE WAY GROUP EXHAUST» company which produces catalytic converters designed to reduce (decarbonize) air pollutants (CO2) emitted by ship engines, in order to ensure the green policy of the Caspian Sea and the Turkmenbashi international seaport, the company «CANGZHOU XINDINGLI COLD BENDING MACHINERY CO.,LTD» which produces slate equipment to study the possibilities of use in the production of sea containers, as well as the companies «ZHENGZHOU CITY UNITES STEEL INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD» and «SHANDONG ZHONGSHENG MATERIALS CO.,LTD» who produce slate materials.

This visit was an opportunity for Turkmen delegation to study the Chinese market, its features and technological innovations.

Economic ties between China and Turkmenistan continue to strengthen, and the logistics sector plays an important role in this process. China, being a world leader in manufacturing, is constantly looking for efficient routes to export its products.

Partnership between China and Turkmenistan in the field of logistics and transport will not only contribute to the development of both countries, but will also help strengthen trade ties between the regions. With the development of this cooperation, we can expect an increase in the transit of goods through the Turkmenbashi International Seaport. This, in turn, will contribute to long-term economic growth and prosperity.