Representatives of the Turkmendenizderyayollary Agency carried out a working visit to the Republic of India

2023 , from October 16 to 20, representatives of the Turkmendenizderyayollary agency made a working visit to the Republic of India in order to participate in a large-scale event in the maritime industry - “ Global Maritime India Summit 2023 ”. This largest maritime event was organized by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways of India.

The summit focused on key areas of the maritime sector with sessions and discussions on the ports of the future: decarbonisation, short-sea shipping and inland waterway transport; shipbuilding, repair and recycling; finance, insurance and arbitration; marine clusters; innovation and technology; maritime safety and maritime tourism, etc.

During the summit, many sessions and round tables were held where current issues of the maritime industry were discussed. It is important to note that representatives of the Republic of Uzbekistan showed interest in establishing bilateral cooperation with the Turkmen side. The main topics of discussion were the increase in cargo transportation between the two countries, the possibility of using the Turkmenbashi international seaport, as well as issues of shipbuilding and ship repair. In addition, it was noted that the Deryayollary joint-stock company has all the capabilities to carry out capital and light repair work of dredging dredgers, tugs and other floating equipment belonging to the Republic of Uzbekistan, located on the Amu -Bukhara canal on the Amu Darya River.

Also, within the framework of the international conference, a round table was held on the topic “International Transport Corridor North-South Port of Chabahar : Gateway to Central Asia.” During which the current status of the Chabahar port , capacity, advantages available at the port, the role of Chabahar in expanding regional communications and joining the International North-South Transport Corridor, the future and opportunities, facilities and infrastructure in the free zone of the Chabahar port were discussed, development was discussed Chabahar port as a transit hub and northern connection to the North-South international transport corridor, the possibility of the North-South international transport corridor and Shahid Beheshti port . During this round table, representatives of the Agency spoke about the capabilities and services of the Turkmenbashi International Seaport, as well as the fact that the Turkmenbashi International Seaport, located along the North-South international transport corridor, is of great importance in the transit transportation of goods in this direction .

In conclusion, it is important to note that cooperation in the field of maritime transport between Turkmenistan and India is becoming a key element of their strategic relationship. Both countries attach great importance to the development of ports and maritime infrastructure, which contributes to the development of transit and trade relations between them.