Search and rescue training on the sea

Employees of the seaport captain service of the Administration of State Supervision of Shipping in Turkmenistan, under the “Turkmendenizderyayollary” agency participated in a two-week online training organized by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) to improve cooperation and overall performance during search and rescue operations at sea.

The purpose of this training is to provide participants with the necessary tools to perform coordinating responsibilities in organizations involved in maritime search and rescue operations. The goal is to provide maritime search and rescue operators with the necessary basic knowledge to conduct maritime search and rescue operations at a coordinated level, in accordance with international requirements.

It should be emphasized that this training also aims to improve the ability of participants to apply internationally recognized procedures and standards, both European and regional, in the field of maritime search and rescue and non-search and rescue maritime assistance operations.

Upon completion of the training, participants received appropriate certificates confirming their readiness and qualifications to more effectively participate in search and rescue and rescue operations at sea. This experience is proving invaluable to Turkmenistan, strengthening its position in the field of maritime security and rescue operations.