The Department of Foreign Economic Relations and Logistics of the “Turkmendenizderyayollary” agency held a training seminar

Logistics plays an important role in the modern world, helping businesses or companies to effectively manage the supply, warehousing and delivery of goods. To succeed in this industry, logisticians must constantly update their knowledge and skills. To this end, the Department of Foreign Economic Relations and Logistics of the “Turkmendenizderyayollary” agency held a training seminar on October 26, 2023 for employees of Logistics and Marketing of the Agency and its subordinate enterprises.

During the seminar, educational presentations about current knowledge and practical skills in the field of logistics were presented. The seminar included current topics and trends in logistics, process optimization, warehouse management and market research, which allow you to keep abreast of the latest changes in the industry.

Rapid changes in consumer behavior, technological innovation and global competition make logistics knowledge critical for organizations. These logistics seminars provide valuable opportunities for professional and personal growth. They help professionals strengthen their skills, stay up to date with the latest trends and share experience with colleagues.