Translogistica Uzbekistan 2023

From November 1 to 3, 2023, the international exhibition “TransLogistics Uzbekistan 2023” will be held in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan. More than 60 companies from 15 countries of the world take part in the event, including the Turkmenbashi International Sea Port with its exhibition stand.

The 1st International Transport Forum of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the 12th Meeting of Ministers of Transport of the Economic Cooperation Organization and the International Aviation Forum “Aviation and Logistics 2023” are also being held as part of this event. A high-ranking delegation of the country also takes part in the mentioned events.

The stand of the Turkmenbashi International Seaport aroused great interest among the exhibition participants, and representatives of the port spoke in detail about its capabilities. The total cargo transshipment capacity of the new seaport is 17 million tons per year, excluding petroleum products. The Turkmenbashi International Sea Port has 5 terminals such as the Ferry and Passenger Terminal with a capacity of 300,000 passengers and 75,000 vehicles per year, the Container Terminal with a capacity of 400,000 TEU containers per year, the Bulk Cargo Terminal with a capacity of 3 million ton of bulk cargo per year, a General Cargo Terminal with a capacity of 4 million tons of general cargo per year and a Polypropylene terminal. Today, the Turkmenbashi International Seaport is one of the important centers of the transport sector of Turkmenistan and opens up promising opportunities for European countries and markets in the Near and Middle East. One of the important issues is the connection of the transport system of Turkmenistan to the global transport system, as well as the development of multimodal transport in the East-West and North-South directions. Turkmenbashi International Seaport, located at the crossroads of transport routes connecting major regions, is becoming a logistics center between Central Asia and Europe.

During the international exhibition, negotiations were held with representatives of well-known transport and logistics companies from around the world. Among them: MSC Tashkent LLC, FESCO, MEDLOG GEORGIA LLC, Albayrak, Central Asia Trans, Azlogista, TRANSASIA Logistics, PRIME Shipping & Transportation. Negotiations were also held with representatives of the company “PSA Africa PTE LTD” and the representative office of the World Bank in Uzbekistan to attract investment in shipbuilding. In addition, negotiations were held with representatives of RAM Spreaders, a manufacturer of innovative handling equipment for port loading and unloading operations.

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