Transport projects Turkmenistan offer to European investors in Brussels

The session “Gateway of Turkmenistan: exploring the possibilities of a transit hub” was held on January 30, at the Global Gateway Investor Forum in Brussels. It examined the possibilities of investment in the transport complex of Turkmenistan and the transit potential of the country as a key hub between Europe and Asia.

The dialogue was attended by representatives of the public and private sectors, including representatives of «Turkmen Railways», «Turkmen Maritime and River Lines», «Transport and Logistics Center of Turkmenistan», as well as EU institutions and international companies such as Royal IHC, Cargolux.

Key projects were presented, including the development of the Caspian sea hub, optimization of railway transportation and the introduction of digital technologies to improve the efficiency of transit operations.

Investment projects in the field of shipbuilding are being actively implemented in the maritime transport sphere of Turkmenistan. Seyitguly Baiseidov, Deputy Chairman of the «Turkmen Maritime and River Lines» Agency, highlighted several key projects: an oil recovery vessel for the prompt elimination of oil spills during loading and unloading, and receiving oily water from transit ships; supply vessel for servicing offshore oil and gas platforms; an oil tanker, as demand for transportation of Turkmen oil and petroleum products grows, and a passenger ship, which is also designed to meet the demand for transportation in the expanding system of oil and gas facilities at sea.

Baiseidov invited European companies to visit Turkmenistan to explore local cooperation opportunities and expressed his readiness to consider proposals for partial or full financing of investment projects.

Merdan Bashimov, General Director of the «Transport and Logistics Center of Turkmenistan» OJSC, proposed a joint feeder service between the Black Sea ports for efficient cargo flow from the Asian region to Europe. He also attracted the attention of potential partners to the modernization projects of one of the main railway terminals of Turkmenistan - Etrek and Serakhs station, which is a connecting link in the field of container transportation.

It was noted that against the backdrop of the unstable situation in the world, Turkmenistan, as a guarantor of security in all transport directions, assures the reliability of cooperation with all stakeholders in the field of safe transportation and is ready to play a key role in the development of transit communications between Europe and Asia.

This session demonstrated great interest on the part of international companies in investing in the transport complex of Turkmenistan.