First 2024 issue of Arkadagly Ýaşlar Magazine released

The first 2024 issue of Arkadagly Ýaşlar e-Magazine of the Central Council of Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan was released.

The first issue begins with an article dedicated to the declaration of the theme for 2024 «Ocean of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy» in Turkmenistan.

The articles about the presentations of the book «Youth is the support of the Motherland» by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov are posted on the first pages of the issue. This was reported by the State News Agency of Turkmenistan.

The article «Körpe nesilleriň alkyşy» is about the results of the Gulbaba Children’s Prize contest. The issue offers an article dedicated to the main holiday of January – Defender of the Fatherland Day. Bird protection is the theme of an article in the Russian language.

A special attitude towards certain numbers has come to us from ancient times. 7 is one of them. The issue tells readers about the miracles associated with this number. Another interesting article is about a Turkmen felt mat – keche.

The issue presents the Regulations on the «Ýaş waspçy» creative contest, announced jointly by the Central Council of Magtymguly Youth Organisation, Arkadagly Ýaşlar e-Magazine and «Türkmenistan Sport» International Magazine. Three winners of the Ýaş waspçy annual contest are announced for the first time in the one-year history of the magazine.