IMO Secretary-General sets fresh agenda for maritime

IMO Secretary-General Arsenio Dominguez shared the Organization’s plans and focus areas for the next four years, with the aim of ensuring safer, more secure and environmentally friendly shipping.

Speaking at a press conference at IMO Headquarters in London, Mr. Dominguez outlined four strategic priorities: IMO’s work to regulate international shipping; its support to Member States – particularly Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries; enhancing public awareness and image; and relations with people and stakeholders.

He said: “As a global industry that is responsible for transporting over 80% of trade around the world, shipping is indispensable. One thing I am very focused on is to make this Organization a more diverse, inclusive and transparent institution.”

The Secretary-General provided an update on IMO work towards decarbonizing shipping by or around 2050. This makes it the first UN agency and first sector to define a global strategy to cut greenhouse gas emissions, including mandatory measures to deliver on targets.