«Demiryollary» JSC offers high-quality unloading and loading services on international routes

Freight stations belonging to the 20th branch of «Demiryollary» OJSC (Turkmenistan Railways) offer a wide range of services for import, export and transit cargo on international routes. New opportunities provided by the stations open up prospects for increasing the volume of transport operations and developing trade.

One of the key areas of development is the cargo area of ​​the Anau station, located in Ahal velayat. It offers unloading of construction and food cargo, including reinforcement, cement, flour and vegetable oil, arriving by rail.

Another important point is the Turkmenabat station in Lebap velayat, where cargo from Iran, including reinforcement and cement, is transshipped for shipment to Afghanistan. Taking into account the current dynamics, the monthly volume of cargo transportation can reach significant figures ranging from 5 to 10 thousand tons. Currently, 1,360 tons of reinforcement are loaded into vehicles from 20 wagons.

An important step to strengthen Turkmenistan’s position in the international market was the expansion of export opportunities. Thus, Turkmen sulfur is successfully exported to various countries, including China and Morocco. Recently, work was carried out at the Sarakhs station to load 100 thousand tons of sulfur, which was sent to the Iranian port of Bandar-Abbas.

Representatives of the «Demiryollary» branch emphasize that attractive tariffs are available to customers for services at the cargo yards of various stations, including Sarakhs, Etrek, Turkmenabat, Kerki, Zerger, Mary, Altyn-Asyr, Gypjak and Dashoguz. These measures are aimed at stimulating foreign economic activity and strengthening Turkmenistan’s position in world trade.

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