TCOR processes about 1.5 million tons of oil

The Turkmenbashi Complex of Oil Refineries (TCOR) processed 1,438.7 thousand tons of crude oil from January to April this year.

During the reporting period, the total volume of various types of motor gasoline produced amounted to about 440 thousand tons, reports the electronic newspaper of Turkmenistan's oil and gas complex on Tuesday.

According to the report, over the past four months, the production plan for kerosene was fulfilled by 106.2 percent, diesel fuel by 100.1 percent, and motor oil by 110.1 percent.

From January to April of this year, the production plan for liquefied gas, one of the most demanded products in foreign markets, was fulfilled by 257 percent.

TCOR produces unleaded gasoline, aviation and technical kerosene, jet and diesel fuel, fuel oil, lubricating oils, polypropylene, light gas oil, petroleum electrode coke, liquefied natural gas, construction and road bitumen, as well as several other petroleum products.

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