Development of the Shipbuilding industry

On February 22-23, 2023, the heads of the Baku Shipbuilding plant paid a working visit to the city of Turkmenbashi. During the visit, the parties discussed opportunities for further expansion of bilateral cooperation in the field of shipbuilding, as well as the exchange of experience. The issue of establishing cooperation in the field of shipbuilding between the shipyards of the two countries was provided in the Protocol of the last meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee.

 The main activity of the Baku Shipbuilding Plant consists of the construction of various ships, such as auxiliary ships, general cargo ships, tugs, crane ships, specialized ships and passenger ships, and tankers. The shipyard is also engaged in ship repair and re-equipment of such vessels.

The Azerbaijani delegation was thoroughly acquainted with the capabilities and capacities of the Balkan shipbuilding and ship repair plant, as well as its structure and activities. Then the guests visited the production areas of the plant, got acquainted with the infrastructure of the plant, machinery and equipment, and expressed their interest in placing their orders at the Balkan plant in the near future. At the end of the mission, the delegation once again noted that they were ready to establish cooperation in the field of shipbuilding with the Balkan shipbuilding and ship repair plant and said that they would send proposals for cooperation in the near future.

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