International cooperation expands

Currently, Turkmenistan continues international cooperation on the principles of good neighborliness, equality, mutual respect and mutually beneficial partnership. Also, our country continues to strengthen and develop strategic international relations in various areas. This is confirmed by the results of the official visit of the Esteemed President of Turkmenistan to the Kingdom of Bahrain on February this year.

During the official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to the Kingdom of Bahrain, were signed a number of documents, including the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain on cooperation in the field of maritime transport.

The Memorandum provides for cooperation in sharing practice for the effective port administration, training specialists and cooperation in the field of shipbuilding.

The Kingdom of Bahrain is famous for its port of Mina Salmon. Mina Salman is Bahrain's primary cargo port and customs point. The port has a total of 15 containership berths and handles ~2,5 million tons of cargo annually. Also, Manama's old port Mina is linked to Salman Khalifa Bin Salman. As facilities, Port Khalifa Bin Salman has control tower, seafarers center, ferry and cruise passenger terminal, customs operation-administration (3 separate buildings), container freight station, medical center, 6x deepwater berths.

Memorandum will contribute for establishing bilateral relations in the field of maritime transport and be an important step in cooperation between Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

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