The Agency "Turkmendenizderyayolary" and the Classification Society "Bureau Veritas Marine Kazakhstan" brings cooperation to the next level

On April 10, 2023, a meeting was held between representatives of the agency "Turkmendenizderyayolary" and the Classification Society "Bureau Veritas Marine Kazakhstan" (BV).

During the meeting, issues of bilateral cooperation were discussed. The Turkmen side informed about the planned shipbuilding projects at the “Balkan” shipbuilding plant. Emphasizing the prospects for the shipbuilding industry in Turkmenistan, the Agency proposed to expand cooperation with BV and open a branch of the company in Turkmenistan.

As is known, one of the 11 major classification societies BV was founded in 1828 and specializes in the prevention of marine pollution, as well as the implementation of technical supervision of the construction of ships, the provision of international certification services. Branches of Bureau Veritas operate in 140 countries around the world. Since 2020, BV has been providing survey services for ships registered in Turkmenistan in accordance with international requirements, in accordance with an agreement concluded between the Agency and BV.

    In turn, the representatives expressed their interest in expanding cooperation and informed that they were ready to attract their representatives from abroad (Turkey, UAE) to Turkmenistan in case of an increase in demand BV services.

Also on the same day, a meeting was held with representatives of the shipbuilding and ship repairing plant "Balkan" and JSC "Marine Merchant Fleet" of Turkmenistan. At the meetings were discussed the directions of bilateral cooperation.

At the end of the meeting, the parties noted that they are ready for further expansion of cooperation and will continue to make efforts to develop cooperation.

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