A new route for tour around the Caspian Sea has been opened for vacationers in Avaza

Marine Merchant Fleet announces the launch of tour routes along the coast of the Caspian Sea.

A vessel trip is a timeless excursion with access to the open sea. The tour starts from the marine station, then the travelers will go to the national tourist zone “Avaza”. “Avaza” national tourist zone is an attractive resort town on the coast of the Caspian Sea in Turkmenistan. “Avaza” is famous for its sandy beaches, warm climate and beautiful sea views. During the tour, passengers will be able to admire the amazing view of the hotels, surrounded by the beauty of nature, and fully enjoy this amazing journey. The tickets for a tour of “Avaza” costs 45 tmt. The duration of the trip is 3 hours.

Also, regular routes operates on Turkmenbashi-Gyzyl-Suv-Turkmenbashi direction. Gyzyl-Suv is the only populated island in Turkmenistan. The one way ticket for the routeTurkmenbashi-Gyzyl-Suv costs 20 tmt.

Tickets for the route Turkmenbashi-Avaza, Turkmenbashi-Gyzyl-Suv can be purchased on the official website of the marine merchant fleet: https://mmf.com.tm.

The high-speed passenger vessel "Charlak" was built in 2013 with the help of specialists from Turkey in the port of Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan. The vessel is equipped with modern facilities, including a bar-cafe, where passengers can not only enjoy a comfortable journey, but also saturate their experience with delicious drinks and treats. Passengers are offered a choice between an open and closed compartment, so that they can enjoy the journey to their taste - in the open air or in a cozy atmosphere. The vessel’s capacity is 350 seats.

For more information please contact:

Marine Station of Turkmenbashi: +993 243 51107, +993 65160906 (marinestation@mmf.com.tm)