Amusement park "Jadyly Kenar" on Avaza invites to a concert

On the occasion of the summer holiday season, concerts of famous pop singers of Turkmenistan will be held in the amusement park "Jadyly Kenar" of the economic society "Deniz" of the National tourist zone "Avaza". The concerts will be held from 9 to 18 August 2023 under the joint organization of the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Balkan velayat.

The concerts will feature modern songs by famous musical groups and artists of the country, as well as comedy skits called "Let's Laugh!".

The Jadyly kenar park on Avaza has excellent conditions for recreation and entertainment, including attractions for children and adults, playgrounds for kids, the Animal World zone, a restaurant and two summer cafes.

• restaurant;

• 2 summer cafes;

• attractions for children;

• attractions for adults;

• fauna;

• playgrounds for children.