The enrollment of students for the 2023-2024 academic year in the subordinated secondary professional schools of the agency "Turkmendenizderyayollary" is in full swing!

The Agency "Turkmendenizderyayollary" continues to recruit students for the 2023-2024 academic year to the Marine Secondary Professional School of the city of Turkmenbashi and the River Secondary Professional School of the city of Turkmenabad. The admission will run until August 21, 2023.

Citizens of Turkmenistan with a general secondary education are admitted to a secondary professional school based on the results of entrance examinations. The term of study, depending on the specialization, is 2-2.5 years on a paid basis.

List of documents for admission:

·        application addressed to the director in the prescribed form;

·        resume in the prescribed form;

·        document on general secondary education (original and copy);

·        medical certificate in the form established by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan;

·        characteristics from the last place of study (work, military unit);

·        8 photographs in 3x4 cm size;

·        A certified copy of the work book for employees;

·        Passports (copy);

·        Military ID of those who have completed military service in the armed forces of Turkmenistan (young men who have not completed military service, a registration certificate and a letter of confirmation from a military representative at the place of residence).

Contact details:        

Marine Secondary Professional School of the city of Turkmenbashi:

Tel: 4-75-15; 4-77-78; 4-77-79.


River Secondary Professional School of the city of Turkmenabad:

Tel: +993(422)74452
