Turkmenistan participated in the First Meeting of Ministers of Transport of Central Asian Countries

On 13th of September, 2023 the Director General of the Agency of Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Mammethan Chakyev, represented the country at the First Meeting of Ministers of Transport of the Central Asian countries, which was held in Dushanbe.

The meeting, which was chaired by the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan Azim Ibrohim, was also attended by the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan Marat Karabayev and the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan Ilham Mahkamov.

During the meeting, the transport ministers of the region's countries expressed their proposals to strengthen and expand cooperation in the field of land transport in Central Asia. At the end of the meeting, a Joint Communiqué on cooperation in the field of transport and logistics was signed.

The Ministers also approved the draft Agreement "On strengthening the Interconnectedness of land Transport in Central Asia", which will be signed by the heads of state during the Fifth Consultative Meeting.

The Agreement includes:

-         creation of favorable conditions for the development of international land transport;

-         ensuring a competitive environment in the transport services market in the Central Asian region;

-         improving the efficiency and formation of new international corridors, including multimodal ones;

-         simplification of the process of transportation and transit by land transport;

-         development of modern transport and logistics services;

-         introduction and use of innovative technologies, including digitalization of the process of transportation by land transport;

-         promotion and development of the practice of using environmentally friendly modes of transport.