A concert dedicated to the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the country’s Independence

On September 19, 2023, a concert dedicated to the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of the country’s independence was held at the conference room of the «Charlak» hotel, organized by «Turkmendenizderyayollary» Agency, together with the trade unions of Balkan velayat Turkmenbashi city, and the House of Culture of Turkmenbashi city, which is entitled “Garaşsyzlyk buýsanjymyz, bagtymyz, Arkadagly Serdar bilen öňe barýar halkymyz”.

The event was attended by employees of the «Turkmendenizderyayollary» Agency and its subordinate enterprises.  

Musical performances performed by singers from the House of Culture of Turkmenbashi city delighted the audience, leaving a pleasant impression on everyone at the event.

Under the wise leadership of our deeply respected President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, every day in our Matherland is marked by great achievements and glorious events.

It should be especially noted that during the period of Independence of our country, maritime transport in Turkmenistan developed at a rapid pace. A number of major projects were implemented aimed at the development of maritime transport in our country.

In order to further develop and improve the maritime and river transport industry of Turkmenistan and create a modern marine merchant fleet, as well as with the increasing role of maritime transport in international transport, full-scale implementation of national projects began in the field of development of the seaport of Turkmenbashi and the creation of a competitive Turkmen marine merchant fleet.

According to the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, in order to further develop the maritime transport of Turkmenistan, a new large-scale Turkmenbashi International Seaport was built.

For the development of the Marine Merchant Fleet, as well as for the purpose of increasing competitiveness, including increasing export-import cargo turnover and ultimately increasing demand for services provided by maritime transport, some types of vessels were built and purchased.