Specialists of the «Turkmendenizderyayollary» agency conducted a training for students of the Maritime Secondary Professional School of the city of Turkmenbashi

On Febuary 22, 2024, specialists from the department of digital technologies and information security of the «Turkmendenizderyayollary» agency held a seminar on the topic “Digital Economy and the Development of Innovative Technologies” for students of the specialty “Information Security Technology and Its Organization” at the Maritime Secondary Professional School of the city of Turkmenbashi.

During the training, Agency specialists spoke about the effective work to develop our national economy, improve the electronics industry, and create a developed economy based on the latest achievements of information and communication technologies.

Currently, Turkmenistan provides comprehensive support to youth, who are the future of our state. Also, during the training, the training of high-level specialists, the development of skills in using, studying and storing digital information, the creation of a primary electronic database and its constant updating with information, as well as the widespread use of information and communication technologies were discussed.

Such events will provide our specialists with the conditions to ensure the sustainable development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan, the development of all industries on an innovative basis, and the development of a high-tech, competitive digital economy.