About 100 cargo ships are required for cargo transportation to the south of Russia - Maxim Reshetnikov

At the meeting on the development of the south of Russia and the Azov region, the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Maxim Reshetnikov, made a report. According to him, about 100 new cargo ships are required to transport cargo along the rivers to the south of the country. The Kremlin portal reports this.

“From our point of view, there is still potential for additional supply of goods by river transport. We believe that about 13 million additional tons can be brought to this region via the river, taking into account all the logistics. In order to realize this river potential, we need a balanced tariff policy, coordination of railway and water tariffs, so that both are loaded depending on the type of cargo, so that there is no overflow and unnecessary competition,” said Reshetnikov.

He noted that the Ministry of Transport is now planning a set of measures for the hydraulic structures of the Volga-Don Canal and the Volga-Kama basin, and it is also necessary to build about 100 cargo ships to carry cargo.