Higher diplomatic schools of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan will develop a roadmap for exchanges

A meeting took place in a video conference format between the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy - ADA University and the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

During the video conference, the Vice-Rector of ADA University Fariz Ismailzade, the Vice-Rector of the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Gulshat Yusupova, as well as the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Turkmenistan Gismet Gezalov and the Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Baku Gurbanmamed Elyasov spoke.

“At the meeting, it was noted that joint activities in the field of science and education are a priority in the development of cooperation between the two countries. The importance of developing ties between higher educational institutions and academies of sciences of the two countries was emphasized. The importance of the memorandum of understanding signed between ADA University and the Institute of International Relations was noted,” says the website of the Azerbaijani diplomatic mission in Ashgabat.

It is noted that the parties discussed issues of organizing mutual visits, joint scientific and practical conferences, lectures, exchange of teachers and students, and cross-publication of articles. The result of the meeting was an agreement to develop a roadmap for interaction between the highest diplomatic schools of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.

The partnership between the two prestigious educational institutions of the brotherly countries marks an important milestone in the educational sector and is intended to strengthen interstate and diplomatic ties.

ADA University in Baku was created in 2014 by decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan through the merger of the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy and the University of Information Technologies.