Transport briefing in Brussels

On 5th April, the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Brussels organized a briefing with the participation of a representative of Maritime and River Lines agency of Turkmenistan. Also, The European media and research centers are participated the briefing.

The main topic of discussion was the transport diplomacy strategies of Turkmenistan, the innovative capabilities of the Turkmenbashi International seaport, as well as the transport and transit prospects of the country.

A vision for the development of regional integration and interaction was presented. The briefing featured a dynamic discussion that opened up a platform for the exchange of views among participants.

The Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Belgium S. Palvanov actively participated in the dialogue, highlighting the latest directions in the development of the country’s transport sector and emphasizing the importance of strengthening interregional ties. Informative presentations and videos demonstrating the logistics capabilities of Turkmenistan were presented, which aroused high interest among the participants.

Particular attention was paid to the potential of Turkmenistan as a key transport hub in Central Asia. Agreement on the need to organize such events more often was a common conclusion among participants.

Such meetings promote a deep understanding of Turkmenistan's transport system, facilitating direct communication with leading experts and representatives of the transport sector of the country.