On September 19, 2023, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov participated in the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, United States of America.

  This event is evidence of our Motherland's commitment to the concept of broad international cooperation being implemented under the leadership of the head of Turkmenistan, where one of the priorities is the deepening of strategic cooperation with the Community of Nations, which in modern times has acquired a new concrete content.

By taking an active part in the elaboration of balanced decisions on topical issues and problems of the global agenda, our independent and neutral country is making a significant contribution to the common efforts to strengthen security and stability and achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development on a regional and international scale. Our country, integrating into the global political, economic and legal space, is realizing in practice its rich creative potential for the benefit of all humankind.

 Then, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov attended the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

The agenda of the current session includes a wide range of issues related to such important areas as promotion of sustained economic growth and sustainable development, maintenance of peace and security in the world, countering global challenges and threats, ecology and environmental protection, human rights and others.

Speaking from the high rostrum of the United Nations Organization, the President of Turkmenistan voiced the priority positions of our country on pressing problems of regional and global scale, as well as new constructive initiatives aimed at further expansion of effective international cooperation in the interests of global welfare and progress.

 Central Asia is also a region directly adjacent to the Caspian Sea. Everyone knows the importance of this body of water with its unique natural complex in the context of the global environmental agenda, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov continued.

As a result of many years of vigorous and respectful cooperation, the riparian countries have developed common key principles of policy in the Caspian Sea, including the adoption of the main document - the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea. Last summer, at the Sixth Caspian Summit in Turkmenistan, all participants firmly confirmed their readiness for close cooperation on environmental issues, the head of state said, noting that this opens good opportunities for the beginning of a broad and systematic interaction of the littoral states with the UN.

In this context, a proposal was made to establish the Caspian Environmental Initiative, which is intended to become an international platform for substantive and professional partnership on a wide range of issues related to environmental protection of the Caspian Sea, preservation of its biological resources and solution of a number of urgent environmental problems.

 Next year, Turkmenistan and far beyond its borders, including the United Nations, will celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding son of the Turkmen people - poet, thinker, philosopher and public figure Makhtumkuli Fraghi.

 All cultural mankind pays tribute to the memory and respect to the great humanist, who made a great original contribution not only to world literature, but also to the development of civilization in the East and the whole world, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov said, adding that he would like to conclude his speech with words from Makhtumkuli's poem "Address to Humanity". In it, the poet addresses people - his contemporaries and descendants - with such life-affirming lines:

Whether a man is asleep or awake,

He will be deeply faithful to his plans.”

In conclusion, the head of Turkmenistan wished that fidelity to creative plans, ideals of peace, justice and progress would be the main and clear guideline in our joint work.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov's speech was listened to with deep and interested attention and was met with general applause.