General director of Transport and communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers visited Balkan velayat

On September 18, 2023, the General Director of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers, Mammethan Chakiev, visited the «Balkan» shipbuilding and repairing yard in Turkmenbashi. During the visit, the General Director got acquainted with the activities of the «Balkan» ship yard. In addition to shipbuilding, a full range of work on the repair of tankers, dry cargo ships, tugs and other vessels is carried out here.

The General Director of the Transport and Communications Agency got acquainted with the technical documentation of the ships being repaired at the «Balkan» ship yard, and also observed the ship repairing processes. During this year, 13 ships were repaired at the shipyard, currently 5 ships are being repaired, which 2 of ships belong to our national merchant fleet, 2 ships belong to foreign companies and 1 ship belongs to «Deryayollary» JSC.

The General Director got acquainted with the territories, in particular with the workshops, work plans (schedules), new jobs that are planned to open during the ships construction period.

The General Director also visited the Turkmenbashi International Seaport. Chakyev got acquainted with the loading and unloading terminals, which fully allow for the provision of high-quality cargo storage services, as well as the powerful “Liebherr” equipment installed in them. The Port of Turkmenbashi will improve its capacity to transport various types of cargo and currently imports and exports cargo such as carbamide, iron structures, construction materials, wheat and cotton products. The seaport is a “Sea Gate” connecting Central Asia and Europe by sea, road and rail, and serves as the largest transit hub in the region. This is evidenced by cargo transported in transit from Uzbekistan to Azerbaijan through the port of Turkmenbashi.