An international forum was held in Ashgabat on the occasion of the World Sustainable Transport Day

Today, November 26, marks the first ever World Day for Sustainable Transport. Being the initiator of the establishment of this day by the United Nations, Turkmenistan convened the international scientific and practical conference "Sustainable transport - contribution to sustainable development".

The leaders of the transport industry of Turkmenistan, representatives of international organizations, including the UN, the Organization of Railway Cooperation, the International Automobile Union, the Organization of Economic Cooperation, the International Association of Air Transport and others take part in the forum.

On the agenda of the forum - discussion of the regional and global transport agenda, the role of transport as a factor in economic development, which also contributes to social and environmental sustainability. This meeting takes place on the eve of the UN World Climate Summit in Dubai, and special attention is paid to the connection between transport and climate change, decarbonization of the transport sector and international cooperation in this area.

General Director of the Transport and Communications Agency  under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Mammethan Chakiev spoke at the opening forum. He provides a brief description of the state of the country's transport system in the context of connecting to regional corridors and global networks, as well as the issues of electrification, tariff policy, security and the introduction of new technologies.

Among the speakers at the conference were also the permanent coordinator of the UN in Turkmenistan Dmitry Shlapachenko, the heads of the agencies "Turkmendemiryollary" and "Turkmenavtoulaglary" - Azat Atamyradov and Guvanchmypat Akmammedov. Miroslav Antonovich, the Chairman of the Organization for the Cooperation of Railways (OSCH), the Secretary General of the International Automobile Union (IRU) Umberto de Pretto, the Chairman of the Organization for Economic Cooperation (ECO) - Khosrav Noziri, the Deputy Director for Infrastructure of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dmitry Kosolapov joined the forum via video link.