Advocasy meeting

On November 30, 2023, subordinate enterprises of the «Turkmendenizderyayollary» agency and employees of the Turkmenbashi city police department of the Balkan velayat held an event under the slogan «Halal zähmet – bagtyýar durmuşyň kepili».

During the event, it was emphasized that respect for order and traffic rules, avoiding the use of drugs and narcotic substances, working honestly, being loyal citizens to family and country and living a happy life. Employees of the Turkmenbashi city police department of the Balkan velayat noted that our Arkadag provides many opportunities for every resident of our country to work hard for a happy life. And also, they emphasized the need to prevent some emerging defects, bribery and corruption. In addition, many tips were given on how to change your life by living honestly and earning money through your own labor, and many others.

The event participants concluded the meeting with wishes to our Hero Arkadag, our Esteemed President, sound health, long life and great success in his large-scale work for the happiness of our people and the success of our country.