Installation of a modern cinema at the «Charlak » Hotel in Turkmenbashi

Investment proposals are being accepted for the organization of a modern cinema in the meeting room for 90 people on the 1st floor of the «Charlak» Hotel, located in the Turkmenbashi city.

Proposals should take into account the following:

- covering the walls of the cinema hall with sound insulation,

- installation of modern acoustics "Dolby Atmos",

- installation of a high-resolution projector and widescreen screen,

- installation of a large computer server for data storage,

- online booking software and website development.

For potential investors, it is planned to rent out the hall for a long term or transfer it to trust management.


Address: Balkan region, Turkmenbashi c., Bakhri-Khazar str. 8.

phone number: +993 243 6 06 00
