«Turkmendenizderyayollary» agency held a training seminar on digital systems, information and cyber security.

In the Epoch of the Revival of a new era of powerful state, special importance is attached to the comprehensive development of the digital system. Under the wise leadership of the President, great success is being achieved in our national economy. The digital system plays a special role in the further development and modernization of the country’s economy. Therefore, special attention is paid to this area and modern opportunities are implemented. Consistent implementation of the tasks of the “Concept for the development of the digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2019-2025” contributes to the further development of the country, increased business and investment activity, and the introduction of advanced management methods.

On January 18, 2024, employees of the «Turkmendenizderyayollary» agency were trained by the department of Digital Technologies and Information Security of  Agency on the correct use of digital information systems and software installed in the «Turkmendenizderyayollary» agency, as well as ensuring their information security, and combating cybersecurity. During the training seminar, methods and types of data protection, information security and cybersecurity rules, malware and preventing its spread, as well as cybersecurity solutions were explained. Also, the rules of the automated registration system, electronic document management system, updating information on the website, local network, Internet and e-mail systems and other digital systems were noted.