Turkmenabat River Secondary Vocational School

River Secondary Vocational school is located in the city of Turkmenabat of Lebap velayat and being one of the oldest educational institutions of Turkmenistan for many years it has prepared specialists of secondary and elementary education for national economy of our country in such specialities as the driver of the sea and river vessels, conducting in them the corresponding service (the driver of the ship, the sailor, the motorist, the cook, the navigator, the mechanic, the electrician, the technician, the machine operator etc.) and carrying out repair work in them (shipbuilder, welder, turner, fitter, carpenter, etc.).

Turkmenabat River Secondary Vocational school occupies an area of 8080 m2 and consists of two two-storey academic buildings, a two-storey dormitory for 180 persons, a canteen for 100 persons, a conference hall for 70 persons and a gymnasium. The school has a capacity of 800 students, 38 classrooms, 4 production halls specialized in water supply and other sectors (diesel laboratory, RLS and navigation classroom, carpentry workshop, locksmith workshop, pastry shop, chemical workshop and blacksmith shop) and 2 computer rooms equipped with modern computers.

In the period of prosperity of the sovereign state, in connection with the care of the Dear President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the good of the nation and providing our country with advanced technology, the emergence of the need for specialists with secondary technical education to work in the water and moving objects on the Caspian Sea, in rivers and inland waters of the country, in the lake Turkmen Altyn Asyr, as well as taking into account the need of specialists with secondary vocational education on multidisciplinary specialties in the international port, corresponding to the world standards, in the city of Turkmenbashi, in the branches of the Production Association "Deryayollary", in various sectors of the economy, the school prepares specialists in the following specialties for a period of 2.5 years.

Today there are 893 students enrolled in the secondary vocational department of the Turkmenabat River High School and more than 60 students in the primary vocational department. Primary vocational education at the school offers short courses, 10-month, 1.5-year and 3-month courses in the following areas:

1. Navigator, assistant engineer

2. Ship's electrician

3. Welder (electric and gas welding)

4. Electrician

5. Communication operator

6. Oil & Gas Recovery and Drainage Operator

7. Document management, information and organisational work

8. Chemical and bacteriological laboratory technician

9. Chef-confectioner

10. Bookkeeper

11. Hydromeliorator

Short-term courses:

1.      Chef

2.      Motor Helmsman

3.      Small crafts driver

4.      Dredger operator (with the right to use electrical equipment)

5.      Suction dredger operator

6.      Motor sailor

7.      Computer operator

8.      Welder

9.      Gas distribution station operator

The main building of the school's dormitory was built in 1932 and can accommodate 180 students. The dormitory has everything necessary for students to live, recreate and engage in necessary activities.

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